And another year gone by without doing much due to some much other things going on.
My daily driver a Kappa Coupe was suffering from a failing airco. Meaning the past two years I had to refill it at the start of the season when it became warmer. So it was leaking, despite a pressure test the leak could not be identified. But changes are 90% it's the airco evaporator. Unfortunately these are no longer available and I sourced a similar one which required only a small modification to fit. I figured to hand this job out to the garage. They mentioned the radiator was also slightly leaking so that needed replacement too. Again, these are no longer available either. But some years ago I had spotted one a bought as a spare. So I happily provided them this one. Turned out it was the correct one, it was one for a V6 24 valve. At the time I only recalled it was advertised as a 2.4 version, which matched my engine. So it was advertised incorrectly. Sigh! Thus I ended up using the one from the Kappa SW. The evaporator that came out of this one was toast so that still requires a new or a good used one.

Obviously the car has not been used or running since. But my daily driver was running cool again. Until the MOT popped up. And it failed due to rust on the car sills, mostly the drivers side. I had looked it up and the other side of the sill was done in 2016. So it was envitable this one was going to happen at some stage. But the timing was bad. It's so hard to find resources who has time to have this fixed. So I decided to get my spare Kappa Coupe on the road. It has been sitting idle for the past 2 years and still had to be road registered as it was imported from Swiss. It's a car that had not be used since 2007 and was not running when I bought it. There were no keys either. So that's something I had it fixed back then already. It also required a new fuel pump to get it running. Again something I had fxied. I simply reused the fuel pump from my current daily driver. So to fix my daily driver I had to source a new fuel pump. Again another item that's no longer available. But there was a nice work around by my garage. He had a fuel pump kit that could be used instead and it worked great. I thought to swap the new one to my spare Kappa Coupe but that never happened. So basicly the spare Kappa Coupec was driveable but still required some more work, basicly a good service overhaul after all these years. But now was the time since I required a new daily driver. Clearly the Kappa SW good not be used either due to the missing radiator and evaporator. So I made an appointment with the garage to get a service overhaul and the car MOT ready for the road registration. Then the unexpected happend. The car would not start up. After a few attempts I figured it might be the old fuel pump I used. So I simple had it swapped from my Kappa SW. And presto it worked. So the spare Kappa Coupe was brought to the garage and afterwards was road registered. All good. I had a working daily driver again. Of course I also had arranged anoter new fuel pump alternative solution. So today I finally had some time to have this fixed and put it in the Kappa SW.
Find below the details of the alternative fuel pump, apparently its the same one as used in a Fiat Croma and Lancia Thema:
To dismantle the fuel pump is quite easy:
The pump and the new parts:
When removing the old pump it became apparent what happened. The mounting rubber was toast, broken, soft and it pieces. So thats likely why the pump failed:
For comparison the new and the old rubber pumpholder unit:
It's easy to make the new unit. It does come with a seperate filter but I'm reusing the old one. Just unscrew the bottom and put the rubber holder in it
Put everything back together. I also mounted the new rubber hose which comes with the package, the old one is still good though. The old single plastic connector can not be reused and you need to tear this open so the wires and the two seperate connectors are free. You then can simply hook these up on the new pump. The kit comes with two new connectors but you wont be needing these if you do it like this. The green wire needs to go on the large pole (plus) and the black wire on the other one (duh!). And presto.
Put it back in again and the battery had just enough power to start up the engine again. So it's working!
Effectively this means my old Kappa Coupe and the Kappa SW has got both new fuel pumps and my new Kappa Coupe is running again on a old fuel pump .... oh well.
And for the sake of it as I'm sure it will come in handy at some point I will now include the alternative pump solution for the Lancia Thema 8.32
The original pump is a Bosch OEM: 0580254018 / 5985559
But is no longer available, or when you are lucky to find one it will be very expensive.
The alternative solution is to use Bosch 058 0254 044 and cut off the bottom as per below photo's: